Forum Discussion

mesa176750's avatar
7 years ago

Update Tonight

The update messaged popped up just as I was clicking something else. When is the update tonight?

39 Replies

  • At least on the messages... nothing really relevant... Bombarder is F2P and Juhani and Carth are moved to chromiums
  • "dogwelder79;c-1746057" wrote:
    I would prefer a reverse counter, "update in X hours Y minutes". Pacific time means nothing to me.

    I agree with this.
    I know how to work out Pacific Time from my own time zone but the assumption that everyone does is no where near accurate. A count down timer would be much better for a world wide game,
  • I, for one, don't like when they say 2.15 and it doesn't come. We're in the middle of a Sith raid, and I'm afraid to attack and lose my progress. The others in my Guild don't seem to care tho...
  • SkipSpoonts's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    7 years ago
    Juhani and Carth in shipments/chromiums and B-28 bomber in LS 6C
  • NotRealUltra's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    7 years ago
    Oh look a content update on the forums. If only people were a bit more patient before lighting the pitchforks
  • Yeah so no OR farmable yet. And nit buying chromium on the hopes that you get one there. So the update was a big nothing for the most part.
  • "vincentlondon;c-1746068" wrote:
    C3P0 was nerfed

    Um...where do you see that?

    EDIT: I'm sure I fell for someone posting speculation as fact again.