8 years ago
Ver Update 9: 08/28/2017 [MEGA]
"kozispoon wrote: Rejoice! The remaining components of our Territory Battle update are going live today! This means all the highly anticipated content detailed in our forum Version Update notes < >...
"Bouncyslime;c-1189094" wrote:"Kyno;c-1187268" wrote:"benacrow;c-1187243" wrote:"Kyno;c-1187165" wrote:"benacrow;c-1186652" wrote:"Elbertoman;c-1186641" wrote:
Stop your whining. Gear progression is just fine. Either you have discipline and grind it down or buy stuff from the premium shop. That's how this game makes money and stays f2p for the masses.
I'm ftp, so buying isn't an option, which is why I am extremely experienced in our inability to obtain older gear even though we have new gear pieces to get. At higher levels, the lower tier gear should no longer be blocking our progress, but that isn't the case.
There are many f2p that manage crystals spend on gear. This game has a good source of crystals for all players. It's not going to make you gear everyone like a whale, but can keep you at a dolphin pace.
The game is paced at a good spot. If it got easier to gear up to g7 the further you got into the game the pace would accelerate. The goal of the pace is to keep you progressing at 1 speed, unless you want to pay. Time is the equalizer not the advantage.
Getting crystals isn't the problem. The problem is that at top level, we have to focus on buying all these new gear pieces to keep up and max out toons, but it's very difficult to do that when there's still a gear gate on items from the lvl 60 cap (MKIII Holos, MKIV Laptops, endless blues and greens, etc). If a new gear level is introduced, and nothing else changes, there's going to be a huge problem for any player unable to fork over the cash to take a toon to G12.
If you are organized and work toward a focused goal it can be done. If you want to max out a large roster it takes time or money, that's it.
The low end gear gate doesn't limit the high end gear gate, if you buy high end gear with crystals and farm low end gear in an organized manner, you should be ok.
Yes it takes time, and yes f2p are not as flexible as p2p, but hoarding and a focused system on who to gear can work.
Making it easy to gear low end toons as you get higher up would speed up the pace and leave more players with less to do and get bored. The whole game is meant to be a marathon, you have to pay to sprint.
@benacrow statement is extremely strong. He is saying that it is near impossible for FTP to gear up that high while @Kyno is accusing Bena for not being organized enough.. I believe you missed the point. Although I believe ebenacrows statement is wrong, I would like to take a moment to clarify something in @Kyno statement that really disturbes me.
The whole game is meant to be a marathon, you have to pay to sprint.
The developers seem focused on portraying themselves as if they made this game to provide an "authentic Star Wars experience" -- collect your favorite toons and have fun
Yes, it is true that you have to pay to get ahead in the game. I completely believe in this as a paying player myself. However when I, as a player read this line, I have to ask myself - is this really a game I want to support? One who's STAFF state that the end goal of the game is to take our money away. Although everyone knows that businesses function to profit, most consumers don't want to be reminded of this fact. Most people in CG are unified... they don't make remarks like this however it makes me wonder about the forums staff team