Forum Discussion

DarthContinent2's avatar
7 years ago

Ways to defeat maxed Phoenix squad for GW.

FWIW, this worked for me:

Zeta Nihilus - leader
Sith Trooper
Tanks (CW Chewie) or others with high protection, taunt, also dispel handy in addition to Nihilus' basic one

Focus on winding up Nihilus to Annihilate Hera. Use tanks to taunt and keep them busy (imagine Gandalf the White approaching King Theoden while the rest handle his guards in LOTR Two Towers).

No chance you'll prevail against them all but at least can regroup next squad and eliminate them with Hera's leader ability gone. :p
  • lol. phoenix need "ways to defeat" ?? im sorry to inform you, but you just have lower-leveled/geared/modded toons than your enemies. phoenix are still easy team to beat on defense.
  • This might be lower lvl player talking, no high end player face this kind of team, get back when you face CLS on all nodes, also thrawn, zarriss, and now the rise of the NS.
  • Maybe my English is not good enough to understand op correctly. Does he state he doesn't defeat Phoenix with suggested line up?
  • I'm free-play 85 and in a recent GW this came up. If you pay sure it's probably gonna be easier.

    I defeated Phoenix squad, yes.