3 years ago
Wedge or mon mothma
All right my main team is drevan but imma start with a cls rebels team (the standard cls chewie Han 3po and chewpio) but iv already got a decent cls rebel team which is cls chaze Leia and r2... r2 I will pull to resistance only which leaves Leia and chaze to form a easy g12 squad with leftover rebels for gac (all in this squad r g12) I also have a g11 wiggs tho... main question is to bring mon mothma in (not started) or use wiggs chaze and leia.. with having Leias omi I'm leaning towards that as idk what I'd do with her otherwise... will I see enough of a difference with mon mothma over wedge lead or no?if not I don't wanna bother. Both in wiggs r 1 piece away from being g12 btw... wedge is basically there... thanks for reading and any advice would be great