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DfnitelyNotSikh's avatar
7 years ago

Weekly dev/news report #7 (04/12/17)

Hello there! It’s Monday, and just like every Sunday but with a 1-day delay, it’s time for the weekly dev/news recap!

This week’s report is brought to you late since I was traveling to Stockholm this week-end, enjoying a good ol’ Karaoke in the ABBA Museum. And yes, that was awesome, thank you for asking.

As usual, last week’s report is available here!

This week hasn’t been very busy, since the big update dropped on the previous week and probably because of the Thanksgiving vacations in the US.


- The December event calendar was released! However, it doesn’t include the dates of possible (read upcoming) Legendary events. This is intended. The Legendary events dates will be revealed to all at a later date. And we shall have peace. Link

- We had a small Content Update on the 30th to fix a few bugs, add the Resistance and First Order faction packs (wink wink) and give compensation for the DS TB mess. Link

- The platoon exploit that was spotted last week was fixed in an emergency server patch. LucifersDaddy and Leviathan (Or as I like to refer them to, the cheaters-chasers brothers) are currently assessing the situation regarding guilds and players that took advantage of the exploit. Nothing has been reported as of now regarding possible punishments. Link

- There was another bug in TB that prevented some players from receiving the rewards. The bug was fortunately fixed and everyone (I think?) got their rewards. Yay. Link

- Carrie (not the real one cause she’s dead) stepped in and gave some thoughts regarding ties in the new GvG Territory War game mode. TL;DR: They don’t want higher GP Guilds to tie that much. It means expect Platoons or other features to break ties. Link

DEV INSIGHTS (and lack thereof)

- Kozispoon confirmed that the requirements for Rey’s Hero’s Journey will come next week (which is this week since this will be posted on Monday.). And I have a bad feeling about this. Link. In a more recent post, she stated that they have “a blog post in store for later this week”. Link

- CapGasp confirmed that replayable Legendary events are on his to-do list, and hopes he will have more information to share soon. Link

- We still have no information on why Baze and Sabine were removed from the Guild Store/Guild Event Store. They are just gone and we are experiencing a radio silence. Oversight during the Guild Store rework? Intentional design? Players start panicking at the thought that farmable characters can be removed from Stores.


- I’ve heard from a very reliable source that Rey’s Hero’s Journey is coming to the game in December. Don’t thank me.

- Don’t trust the “5th of December” date that is often thrown around for Rey and CLS. This date comes from a website called “SWGOH Events”, which was confirmed to not be affiliated with EA. So don’t trust everything they say. Link

And that’s it! Short week, but I’m sure we’ll get something soon.

As usual everything is available on my Youtube Channel, so if you want the crispiest news, feel free to check it out!

See you next Sunday, and good luck on the Holo-table!
  • No platoons in tw. I rather tie all the time. Nothing sucks the fun like platoons.
  • Points for defensive holds seems like the easiest fix for ties. Platoons are a terrible idea.
  • "Waez;d-147607" wrote:


    - I’ve heard from a very reliable source that Rey’s Hero’s Journey is coming to the game in December. Don’t thank me.

    No. Way.
  • "freshprince19888;c-1375997" wrote:
    Points for defensive holds seems like the easiest fix for ties. Platoons are a terrible idea.

    Agreed that Platoons will most likely spoil the fun, but points for defensive wins are not really a solution. Players will be afraid to use their lower level teams.

    It creates a situation in which the best move can be to not play the game, which is terrible game design. Most of the fun in TW is about getting to use your whole roster and your weaker squads. Take that away, it's just Arena all over again.
  • "Crazylazyguy;c-1376013" wrote:
    "Waez;d-147607" wrote:


    - I’ve heard from a very reliable source that Rey’s Hero’s Journey is coming to the game in December. Don’t thank me.

    No. Way.

    You heard it here first!
  • How about a counter for how many teams were used? Lowest total is the winner. This gives an additional strategy for the whole guild to either improve to one team kills, or to figure out how they can beat their opponent more efficiently than they were beat.