"Hortus;c-2202908" wrote:
"Eweff;c-2202886" wrote:
"Hortus;c-2202880" wrote:
Thanks for tips. Gideon really helps. R3 Vader, R7 Palp, R3 Thrawn, G8 Death/Gideon. Relics actually don't matter that much, total control is the key. The main issue is the rng at the beginning - the first attack shouldn't be AOE, should target one of troopers so they could revive, and you don't want deathmark on Kylos. I did it with first deathmark on white trooper. If red trooper don't get deathmark first then don't fracture with Thrawn as his first move, pass TM to Palp and pray for good rng with mass stun.
I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. I’ve run tier 6 many many times with basically that lineup except my Vader is also R7 and after a turn or so Vader gets wiped and then everything else goes. I guess the game really is just about rng? Idk.
Either really bad rng or wrong turn/kill order. Additional note - you should target only those enemies who can't counterattack (and that means you must use Vader's MM VERY carefully as you can be forced to attack wrong toons). And red trooper should die asap, preferably first - his assists and AOE are basically one-shots.
This. Part of the issue is relic toons go first. G12 would force the FO enemies to go first.