"Baldo;389947" wrote:
"TheJanitor;389943" wrote:
"Baldo;389938" wrote:
"TheJanitor;389915" wrote:
"Baldo;389833" wrote:
"Usho;389831" wrote:
In fact they did the opposite, slower characters got nerfed and fasters got buffed...
@Usho read my previous comments I just had a completely non sense argument about that. Someone thought they were correct.
I was thinking about being nice, but decided to also tell the truth. The update did in fact state that speed would play a bigger part in balancing, but clarified that that GENERALLY meant that slow characters would get buffed, fast ones nerfed. Your fault for misreading.
You did acknowledge my proformance with a slow team, thanks for that. A huge part of this game, of any game, is finding what works. Fast teams seem better because most people are afraid to go against the meta. That doesn't mean things are unbalanced.
@TheJanitor I hope you're trolling because I mentioned already what the problem was in the update notes. I'll do it again for you though. Rey= Highest speed, Highest damage (untouched). GS 154 speed top 10 damage basically untouched.
FOTP Slow, RP slow. There is a term for this but I would be banned immediately so keep relying on the update notes.
Apparently you don't know what 'generally' means. Let me clue you in. It means 'in most cases, but not all'
Apparently you did not look into most cases if at all because most cases were absolutely opposite of what was said.
"Rogan_Ban84;390537" wrote:
After second thought, let's hope the devs actually put in some time into these characters to make them viable again.
A character like fotp, needs quite the significant buff to his damage, by a lot. REMEMBER, fotp has zero survivability and no utility, and is slow. His value has always been ohko, otherwise he is a sitting duck. A simple dps boost would essentially ruin him for good. Two ways to fix him @CG_JohnSalera.
1. Not a small dps boost, give him 50% more damage and easier way to activate advantage.
2. Small dps boost of 15%, but he'll need survivability and potency.
This is one character, 30 more to go.....
Devs will do this only once, we need to give them better suggestions to fix these damaged characters. A simple dps boost will ruin a lot of these characters. Consider protection when making suggestions everyone.
No. the 50% increase in damage is bad, and making it easier to obtain advantage might bring fotp to the OP state he was pre-patch.
It seems that many users are still stuck in the mindset that FOTP should do a ton of damage on his basic hits while the rest of characters do less than that on specials(which have a cooldown,unlike basic hits).
50% buff to damage is too great a buff. buff fotp a little in terms of damage.do not allow fotp to get advantage on a character multiple times.buff fotp's potency so that his offense down sticks more.