Forum Discussion

__Love__'s avatar
5 years ago

Why is everybody so mad?

They announced they were bringing out a new character before the ahnald situation, they also said they are working on a new way to release content quicker. I don't get why people are mad, was everybody expecting an apology to ahnald for breaching the TOS first? I don't agree with the whole cheaters situation at all, that should be a big no, no matter what, and I do really enjoy ahnalds videos but everybody just seems to have gone a bit crazy recently.

Yes we haven't had new content in a while but they have said they are working on a new 'tool' for that or whatever, and the road ahead (although very late) is right around the corner.

Yes the communication could be a lot better as well and for all we know that could be addressed in the road ahead. Lets also not forget we have a global pandemic going on right now so maybe that could have influenced things (the world has currently stopped working)

people need to just chill out, its just a mobile game that we can play for free, if people choose to invest real money thats up to them but nothing is forcing you to play if you are that unhappy..

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