Forum Discussion

AntarioXP's avatar
5 years ago

Why not Galaxy of Heroes 2.0 ?

Now this just came to my mind today. I work for a business software company. And out of my experience as a support architect I know how difficult it is to overhaul a legacy application which is full of custom codes and based on an outdated architecture. The maintainability deteriorate drastically over the years and your operating cost on the other hand increases exponentially.

Ultimately you have to make the decision to clean up the mess once for all. Now, you can certainly choose to patch the existing system and to try upgrading it. Or you can get rid of it completely and do a fresh new implementation. And sometimes the effort and cost of a fresh new start is even less than doing the renovation.

Of course veteran players might say now, there is no way I start playing this game from scratch again. That's absolutely valid point. Our customers also don't want to loose their data when implementing a new system. The answer is data migration. And with proper tools, this can be quite easily done.

So instead of struggling with an out-date architecture and spaghetti codes, which limits your creativity. Why not consider to create Galaxy of Heroes 2.0 from scratch? Too expensive? Not necessarily more expensive than what you are doing now fixing the old stuff.
  • Remember fellas, its not even 1.0 yet. It is in fact version "0.19.2".

    Of course those numbers are arbitrary, but it definitely shows the game is not complete. We have all been in a Beta testing focus group for the past 5 years.