Forum Discussion

InterstellarX1's avatar
Seasoned Scout
2 days ago

Return of Raid Exclusive Hero Rewards

Can we please please go back to getting a raid specific character for shard rewards. I love MK2 raid Tokens and such, but it was so much more fun working towards a specific character like Traya, General Kenobi etc. It's even more fun to do Rise of the Empire because you're working towards Reva every other week. While Naboo has been an upgrade compared to past 2 raids (kinda) A specific character to work towards It would make the grind feel less like a chore and more like a want and need to play it. Please please Capital Games, I know so many people have said this please consider it!

Ps. We do need to remove the RNG from the raids especially since you can target the commander Droid and see it's cool down count. 

Also side note can we add a new planet with a new character in Rise of the Empire? and perhaps some rewards that give signal data or relic mats? it's been Reva a really long time surely it's not hard to add another special mission with a new character shards. I mean I still don't have Reva, but it would make RotE even MORE exciting than it already is! 

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