Forum Discussion

Spharynx's avatar
Rising Newcomer
5 years ago

Will Rey’s journey... continue?

As an intermediary stage between jtr and Rey GL, (as for “jedi” luke) between CLS and whoever they will call him, Luke GL. Do you think we will have a chance to get an intermediate between the actual Reys? What bothers me is that they said the rey GL we have is not the “ultimate” rey... so we can expect that rey will stay a lot more powerfull than Luke, because the only other luke is hermit luke... The next step of the game doesn’t really sell me a dream... sorry for my poor english

27 Replies

  • "Malevolan;c-2131635" wrote:
    or even a flashback from the worst movie in the entire saga.
    I want nothing to do with the sequel trilogy especially Rian Johnson's dumpsterfire of a movie.

    Keep it to r/saltierthankrait.

    This is a Star Wars game, and here it means the entire saga. The sequel trilogy will be treated on equal footing with the rest of the saga, and that includes getting time in the spotlight.
  • "Monel;c-2131560" wrote:
    "KyJoe_Cool;c-2131247" wrote:
    "emoore123;c-2131245" wrote:
    We already have a Rey for each movie... so no.

    ^ This.

    But we dont have Rey Skywalker!

    no, no and more nos from the entire star wars galaxy
  • "JarJarReubs;c-2132329" wrote:
    no, no and more nos from the entire star wars galaxy

    You say that, but Rey Skywalker and her legacy will probably be essential to the timeline going forward, to include whatever becomes of the Jedi as a whole.
  • McFry55's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    5 years ago
    "CCyrilS;c-2131992" wrote:
    I want Sith Rey from her vision

    Ah now! I came into this thread determined to say "No thank you!", but this would be the only new version of Rey I would be mildly interested to see. More than happy for them to call it a day on her story if honest.

    Regarding the comments on Luke above, I would hope that to get GL Luke we progress through the events of ROTJ and receive a Jedi Master version of character rather than Hermit Luke. This would be either the portrayal of him as he looks in:
    1. the flashback in TROS when he is training Leia
    2. the projection he creates when "fighting" Kylo in TLJ.
    Ideally number 1 so we have him with his green saber (which I think should have been the focus of the ST rather than Anakin's one which did some nasty things to the Younglings back in the day).

    Only other thought would be that we get him as Hermit Luke who is initially in unarmed, Passive mode (as per Hermit Yoda & C3PO), and an ability or countdown triggers a change in the character (and animation) to become armed and Aggressive mode as per the "fight" with Kylo. I know it's just a projection in the film that doesn't make contact, but maybe there is something along those lines that could work.
  • "JarJarReubs;c-2132329" wrote:
    "Monel;c-2131560" wrote:
    "KyJoe_Cool;c-2131247" wrote:
    "emoore123;c-2131245" wrote:
    We already have a Rey for each movie... so no.

    ^ This.

    But we dont have Rey Skywalker!

    no, no and more nos from the entire star wars galaxy

    Don’t speak for me.
  • thedrjojo's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    5 years ago
    The JKLS event ends at the end of the ESB... He will have a final journey to the end of the ROTJ which will be GL or whatever new op type of toon they make. They may wait and have it correspond to the 40th anniversary of ROTJ like they did with CLS and JKLS. Maybe this one will even be a rebel.