Forum Discussion

DemonsFather's avatar
2 years ago

Will This Team Work?

I just hit 85 and I don't want to wait for Bossk to be farmed to 7 star to unlock one of the characters I need for CLS. I still farm him ofc, but right now I have 5 characters I have that can be 7 stars.

Boba Fett, Dengar, Greedo, Ig-88, Cad Bane

Will these work>
  • "PlayerJ;c-2442148" wrote:
    I don’t know if the team will work or not.

    However, I did think about a Bounty Hunter team for myself.
    The team I theory crafted didn’t have Greedo in it.

    The BH team I theory crafted had:
    BossK, Dengar, Boba Fett, IG-88, & Cad Bane

    My BossK & Dengar are only like 1 star.
    It will take time for me to get them up.

    Dawg that's literally Anhald's guide team.

    If you don't know please don't comment.
  • Persimius's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler
    Yes, that will work. It's basically how we scrubs had to do it first run way back when because only whales had Bossk. It's not super easy though, but it's do-able with those at g11 or so, just takes forever.

    I just tried that team (all r5+) and it was easy. And I was reminded that the absolute worst part of this event is watching that cut scene 72,000 times.
  • "It’s always interesting to see different team strategies and how they can change outcomes in battles! Building a team that complements each character’s strengths can be challenging but rewarding. Speaking of teamwork, if you're looking for insights into effective collaboration, check out these Pearl Lemon reviews for some great testimonials on how strong teamwork can drive success

  • If possible I would dump Greedo and IG88 and replace them with Greef Karga and Mando. Greef can help keep the others alive longer and Mando’s got the insta-kill. Greedo and IG88 are to squishy and die fast.