Forum Discussion

xpac21's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
3 hours ago

there's got to be some kinda solution to fix this, right?

so, how do i start...honestly the p1 should have never been released into the game, the issues with it are one can figure out exactly how the unique ability is supposed to work, we have not gotten any clarification or explanation in regards to it, why the defending team ALWAYS gets the stealth no matter ship are we supposed to win a mirror match when the defense always has the advantage? before this was introduced lower star execs could beat higher star ones with good consistency, and now it is impossible...every single match i have tried to beat a higher star exec, i have lost...must be over 50 exec is 6 how are we supposed to win against 7 star execs when they always have the advantage...going first, always getting to the ult faster, bringing in ebon hawk does nothing because they are already almost at the ult and even if they dont get the ult by a short delay from that, they destroy all your ships while preventing you from doing yeah we would like some kinda resolution matchup should be absolutely impossible for what is arguably the best fleet in the game to win, but thats exactly what this has we need some explanation on how and why the unique works how it is now, or nerf it so the defense doesn't always have the advantage, or best case scenario, remove the ship from the game entirely...but something needs to change here (and i have been able to beat levi's EASILY with this, which is what they don't want apparently, so something needs to change...quickly)

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