Forum Discussion

JohnTebo's avatar
New Spectator
8 years ago

Yoda tomorrow. Help!

I am a newer player and have 3 Jedi at level 6 (Lum JC Ahsoka) and 3 at 5* (QGJ, Kana Erza) QGJ and KANan need 20 shards, Erza 50.
gear levels 7-8 and level 78.
Should i blow my shards trying to get Erza to 6* for event, or can i get a 6* prize with just the others?
  • You can get him at 5*, Ezra is a very good toon to have so you'll be upgrading him regardless and while yoda is a legendary toon he isn't all that useful later on. I would recommend you save your shards.
  • About a jedi team for the Yoda event (for future reference), you should prepare Ezra, Kanan and Old Ben (since they're also required for unlocks of other toons - namely Thrawn and Commander Luke Skywalker and can be used in an team for Emperor Palpatine unlock). The event is really easy even at 7*. I did it a few months ago with Ezra, Kanan and JC (got him 7* from bronzium packs) at G8, Old Ben at G9 and Mace Windu (has a capital ship) at a much lower gear level.
  • I actually find it quite hard (-er than expected)
    lumi g8
    jc g7
    ben g7
    qgj barriss windu jkg (jkg from bronzium) all at g 4 5 6 or barriss g 3
    all 5star except ben, lumi 7
    cant get 5star
    I know I didnt gear them up nor mod them but i thought it'd be doable against one single yoda
    yoda was dang fast

    Edit: upgraded barriss to g6 qgj to g5 and changed to old ben lead level4
    7*G7 OB (L), 7*G8 Lumi, 5*G7 JC, 5*G6 Barriss, 5*G5 QGJ
    put all random mods but lumi with 36%crit dmg triangle.
    Got 5stat yoda after many trials. lumi's special criting 10k if lucky was the key for me

    And if you have lumi, don't use her heal becuase yoda will steal the heal over time buff
  • JohnTebo's avatar
    New Spectator
    I got 7* on first try! Erza kana Ahsoka and Lumi level 84 QGJ level 77 all g8 with average mods
  • "Bistan_Lover;c-1317793" wrote:
    I wouldn't expend any extra resources getting your jedi to 6*. The difference between Yoda at 5* and 6* is very small and only really matters for participation in raids and later TB phases. He is the weakest legendary toon by far, and he's significantly weaker than several non-legendaries. I rushed to unlock him by farming useless Kit Fisto a year ago and I ended up regretting it. You'll get there eventually, it's not worth rushing.

    Totally agree, my Yoda is just there collecting dust.

    The most legendary Jedi Master ever and EA manages to screw up one of the most iconic characters on both games Galaxy of Heroes AND Battlefront 2, he is the weakest Jedi ever. So dissapointing. I kid you not:

    So don't rush things up and waste any valuable resources lvl up Jedi just to get Yoda, you will eventually, but it's not worth it.
  • I was able to do finish 7* on autopilot with all jedi barely modded and most not leveled up to their full potential (mid 70's at the time I think).

    I had Ezra, Kanaan, Luminara, QGJ, and Mace. This is one of the few legendary events that was a breeze once you have everyone to their respective stars. I recommend farming whoever is easiest.
  • Thanks to this necro I thought there was a surprise Yoda event tomorrow.