Forum Discussion

kieronkumar's avatar
6 years ago

Aayla Secura

Is Aayla's stun unresistable?

I don't see anything about it on so I assumed it went through a potency check, but I just took my 131% tenacity nest in against a zBS team with a 35% potency Aayla thinking that getting stunned once or twice wouldn't be the end of the world. I ended up spending the entire 5 minutes stunned; every single time stun wore off, Aayla's next hit stunned my Nest. I was getting a couple of counters in between stuns but nowhere near enough to do any real damage. I didn't see a single 'resisted' indicator on any of Aayla's turns.
  • Aayla is great, way underrated. She's a stun machine if you stack CC.

    Pretty sure her stun can be resisted, whoever you went up against probably stacked potency as well.
  • "MightyWizard;c-1828396" wrote:
    Aayla is great, way underrated. She's a stun machine if you stack CC.

    Pretty sure her stun can be resisted, whoever you went up against probably stacked potency as well.

    They didn't, she had 35% potency. I checked before going in because I wanted to avoid the exact situation that happened :'(
  • Who else was on the team? Fisto gives potency up buff.
  • Bastila, Ezra, gmy, GK, Aayla. I was using qi'ra/nest. I'm guessing I just got really unlucky, because Nest was resisting other effects (GMY TMR, Bastila ability block)
  • Aayla stuns when critting. Crit avoidance would help, tenacity not too much ?‍♀️
  • "FailingCrab;c-1828496" wrote:
    Bastila, Ezra, gmy, GK, Aayla. I was using qi'ra/nest. I'm guessing I just got really unlucky, because Nest was resisting other effects (GMY TMR, Bastila ability block)

    That's why Aayla (modded for CC + potency) is an amazing addition to a Bastila team to counter the Qi'ra/Nest(/HY) combo by keeping Nest in a stun lock, she's one of these underrated B-chars. Aayla has about the same base potency as Nests tenacity and since Bastilas Battle Meditation gives +100% potency it's much easier to overwhelm Nests tenacity.

    "Kalano;c-1828502" wrote:
    Aayla stuns when critting. Crit avoidance would help, tenacity not too much ?‍♀️

    Crits are just the condition for the stun to happen. Instead of a %-chance of happening (like the 80% chance on Vaders basic f.e.) it's based on her attacks being critical hits. There is still a potency/tenacity check happening afterwards.
  • I have also noticed my Aayla stunning characters under a Bastila lead with the bonus protection....I thought it was odd. I wonder if there's a bug there?
  • "crzydroid;c-1828676" wrote:
    Legendary Battle Meditation gives 50% potency.

    I forgot about this! There's my answer
  • She would be great with Bastilla if it wasn't for Darth Traya's OP cleanse