4 years agoSeasoned Veteran
Ackbar omi mothma thought any testers
It would be awesome if I could test omi outside given mode. Oh wait that’s already been asked a million times.
I had a thought about ackbars omi, a lot are saying eh kind mothma ish but short, not really end game but mid like me, I notice mothmas basic is heal and protection for all rebel Allies, instead of putting mothma lead, what happens if you put ackbar lead with mothma on team as 1 of the 2 weakest that always assists healing and adding protection, and revives. I think ackbar omi ends up getting more assists than moth lead
Mix match other slots but you could get some nasty annoying synergies that never dies
Any takers?
my extra rebels are really to weak to get a good sense, would love to see some you tube example pop up.
I had a thought about ackbars omi, a lot are saying eh kind mothma ish but short, not really end game but mid like me, I notice mothmas basic is heal and protection for all rebel Allies, instead of putting mothma lead, what happens if you put ackbar lead with mothma on team as 1 of the 2 weakest that always assists healing and adding protection, and revives. I think ackbar omi ends up getting more assists than moth lead
Mix match other slots but you could get some nasty annoying synergies that never dies
Any takers?
my extra rebels are really to weak to get a good sense, would love to see some you tube example pop up.