Hey @Intimmydation and everyone!
Thanks for your advice, I've taken JKA to Relic 4 and will be taking him to Relic 5 in a few hours. I've already seen a huge improvement in my arena team as a result, as I can beat teams about 20K higher GP than mine! I've climbed a reward bucket, which is a huge deal for me given the time I spent away from the game. I realize it'll be hard to hold my position, as the 95K among a sea of 120K+ teams really stands out, but this is already a huge win for me. It does, however, make me think on what should come next.
I have all the BHs I need for Chewbacca at 7*, and Bossk is currently my #1 gearing priority. I'm also planning on giving him my next zeta, although given that he is still relatively low gear, maybe I should skip him until the next zeta while I gear him, and give it to someone else.
Which begs the question, who should be my next character to gear / relic? I know GMY is a great option as he deals a lot of damage and his zeta is quite good, but should I keep on investing on this same squad or maybe think about making another powerful squad, like Vader? The 5th real member of my Padme squad (GK) still needs a lot of shards.
I know my imperial /sith squad still needs work. Out of the gearing priorities @MasterSeedy proposed a few weeks (months?) ago I am only missing taking Thrawn to G11, i kind of just gave JKA all the importance up to now. I also know I still don't have a good 5th spot (still farming BSF, not close to 7* yet).
My longer term plans also include getting JKR, I know he's great. I'm slowly farming the requirements. Not so much missing on Jolee, I'm using Fleet energy on Zaalbar now, and after I finish with the Signals I needed for relic I can keep on farming Mission and T3. Still a few months away, though. But he's probably my next Journey character after Chewbacca. Edit: or C3PO, had forgotten about him. I have all the ewok shards I need.
My fleet has also improved considerably but I do have a missed opportunity here, with JKA being so powerful but I didn't really farm his ship much. I used fleet energy for G12 gear recently, and aside from that I've been farming Slave 1 (5 shards away from 7*), Vader's ship and Sun Fac (both finished now). If I'm not farming G12 gear it should be easy for me to squeeze it in to slowly build it up.
So, where do you think I should go next, Gear, relic, and zeta-wise?
Thanks again for all the help, really seeing an improvement in the past few weeks.