She's faster in that team because of the uniques. Nothing to do with mods.
Bb8 gives himself and r2d2 (already both fast) 16% turn meter off the bat.
Secret intel gives Rey 8% turn meter.
R2d2 aoe burn can crit x 5 giving the whole squad 10-50 tm.
Bb8 gets faster (8% tm for each toon with intel on = 40%) each go which makes Rey faster.
Every crit is giving everyone 10 % tm.
Cooldowns are rapid every expose hit.
Best team is prob JTRey L, BB8, R2D2, Poe, RTrooper.
The TM potential for this team is great with the added extra of going first with bb8 unique. And Poes taunt -25% tm, reys special and exposed enemies losing 5% every special uses keeping the enemy TM locked.
RTrooper going like crazy from exposes crit/basic and unique with a constant dispel and Reys healing immune to get through zariss.
Illuminated destiny would go fast with exposes/droid crits/intel spread/cooldowns.
R2 and Rey can forsight bb8 (also himself on a hit) which would heal him and r2 on every evade.