7 years ago
Battle timeout issue
hey guys i've played this game for a long time by now and so did all my shardmates.. my shard is flooded with traya teams with sion, sith trooper, nest... all g12/12.5 and now also god mode mods a...
"BadabumChaCha;c-1639966" wrote:
order change every time, 1 fracture sith troop or sion, depends on who have taunt at the moment, usually prefer sith troop
2 start to attack sion
3 second fracture often go to nihilus or on sith trooper again
4 I annihilate someone: sion if he has taunt on, traya if he doesn't and I see that my overhaul speed is higher than opponent, nihilus if I know he has his annihilate ready
5.... depends on who was annihilated first... of course... -_-'