"LordBane452501;c-1760007" wrote:
Well i just beat an asajj aco zombie with bastila ezra gk - was half asleep when I choose that attacking team, but luckily acolyte came out of stealth 50 seconds before match was over so I could finish them off :smile:
Overal best pick a team with dispel/aoe
Nice win & thanks for the answer! What were the relative speeds / gear levels of your characters vs the opponent's? Why did acolyte "come out of stealth"? She is always stealthed as long as there is another NS (eg, zombie)?
I do try pick teams with dispel & AOE, they just don't work against high speed, well geared zombie / acolyte.
My last try was with zVeers (G12), Starck (G12), and Death Trooper (G11). Veers and Starck were faster than the other team (Asajj lead) but the zombie auto-taunt was too much to overcome before Death Trooper was wrecked, and then I was into the stealth / taunt / revive
infinite loop cycle until I was dead.