5 years agoSeasoned Novice
Best gear 12 salvage farming strategy
Of all the gear levels that are the worst to complete at least for me gear 12 is by far the most irritating. Virtually all the salvage can only be found in fleet battles which like cantina battles has the worst energy refill rate and of course the god awful drop rates of the salvage I need. Sure shard shop usually has some stuff and a vast majority can be purchased from guild event store but since these events dont occur enough to maintain a decent supply of currency, we are left with refreshing energy for potential poor drops or buying gear from daily shipments. And then there is the gear 12 finishers but that's a different nightmare. Am I better off just sticking to buying the salvage from event shop and shipments and minimal farming? I've gone days where I've blown through like 200 energy points and gotten either nothing or 1 or 2 pieces of salvage.