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costahd2017's avatar
8 years ago

Best Heroic Tank HAAT raid guide ep. 4 – Phase 2

War Machine
This unit is immune to Turn Meter reduction effects, and its weapons may attack and be attacked independently. When a weapon system is disabled, it will reboot after some time, but if all weapon systems are offline simultaneously, this unit will be become Toppled and grant

Morale bonuses

  • Morale I: All attacking units gain +100% Defense Penetration.
  • Morale II: Attacking units gain +25% Speed if all three of the AAT’s weapon systems were disabled within one of its turns.
  • Morale III: All attacking units gain +50% Critical Damage if any of them suffered a direct hit from the Main Cannon and survived until the AAT was Toppled.
  • When the AAT recovers from Topple, Morale bonuses are lost, and the AAT and its side cannons gain 100% Turn Meter.

HK 47


  • Chief Nebit
  • Jawa Engineer
  • IG-86
  • IG-88

– main strategy is to have the highest speed values for all characters.

  • HK-47 lead – crit damage/chance speed + potency
  • Chief Nebit – Health +speed
  • Jawa Engineer – speed or if not fast enough Health/Defense +speed
  • IG-86 – crit damage/chance +speed
  • IG-88 – crit damage/chance +speed +potency

Abilities to use

  • Jawa Engineer – Recalibrate
  • IG-86 – Assassin Droid Tactics
  • IG-88 – Rapid Fire
  • HK-47 – Megabat Mayhem
  • Chief Nebit – Desert Ambush
  • Jawa Engineer – Miniaturized Detonator
  • When tank is disabled (toppled) then use especially main attacks only
  • Repeat from point 1


  • Destroy all the three turrets as possible in same time
  • Spread damage between the three turrents
  • Destroy the turrets until the tank fill his Turn Meter bar
  • This give your team Morale 2 bonus (25% speed)

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