Forum Discussion

eekajjj's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
6 years ago

Bounty Hunter Team

Can anyone help me plan a bounty hunter team to build up?

I want to use them for the galatic bounty and other similar events, aswell as use them for chewie, and hopefully a half decent team for TW (attack or defence)

Anywhere else they can cross over would be good e.g. greedo for sith raid the couple options I have are below:

Bossk(L) Jango Bobba Embo Dengar
Jango(L) Bobba Embo Dengar Bossk
Bossk(L) Bobba Dengar Greedo Embo
Bossk(L) Bobba Dengar Greedo ???
??? ??? ??? ??? ???

These are only ideas so just wondering what would be a good overall team as they are all so useful now

Thanks guys
  • Scruminator's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    I personally run zBossk (L), Boba, Greedo, Dengar, and either IG88 or Cad Bane. Bossk without it’s lead zeta’d isnt very good FYI.
  • I set Zbossk, Boba, Greedo, Dengar and Zam on Defense last TW. It held for 11 battles.

    I also beat the 7* Chewbacca event with this team. zBossk G11, Boba G12, Greedo G11, Dengar G10, and Zam G10. They also do well in Phase 2 of the Sith Raid.

    The Bossk Zeta was nice because it let me mod with Protection Crosses rather than Potency (used under a Boba Lead), everyone survived much better with this make up.

    Zam's abilty to pop detonators with her basic and go again seems more beneficial than using Cad Bane, but it depends who you are up against I supose.

    Embro, Aurra and Jango are on my to be farmed list. They all seems strong and I will eventually have 2 bounty hunter teams.

    I am not using IG-88 with my bounty hunters since I geared up Bossk, currently he leads my Geonisians for a back line defense squad in TW, he also synergizes well on full droid teams, with HK lead.

    Dengar is a solid counter to R2-D2 teams as he can prevent stealth.

    Greedo does great damage with his ability to go again on a crit (recommend stacking over 60% crit chance), but in phase 3 and 4 of the Sith raid this can ad a lot of stacks to Treya's buff very fast, so be careful about that.
  • ZzBossk lead and you should be able to auto all PVE events. You could put any BH in with him and win as long as the rest are relatively geared up.
  • "Mr_Sausage;c-1665016" wrote:
    ZzBossk lead and you should be able to auto all PVE events. You could put any BH in with him and win as long as the rest are relatively geared up.

    This. He's really OP leader.

    As for the rest of the team, kinda doesn't matter since all of them are good now, so I would go for the easiest farms. 88, Greedo, Cad + 1. Boba probably. Embo if you want to use them for Sith Raid lead. Also, he's the coolest.

    Dengar may be required for Chewie event, and its how I beat it, so maybe add Him.