"Lilpup;c-1649852" wrote:
"Jarvind;c-1649837" wrote:
Bossk/Greedo/Boba/Dengar is probably ideal, with that last position as a flex slot based on personal preference or situational abilities - I don't recall what the Wampa battle consists of exactly, but I guess Bane's stun might be useful. I'd probably just use 88 since you already have him geared up.
Bossk is really the only absolute essential - his supreme meatshielditude makes the team, and his full team attack makes it pretty easy to trigger his bounty, which is also awesome (+50 speed for everyone).
Thank you. I didn't realize that Greedo and Dengar were that good but seems like a lot of guys use them. Cad Bane is appealing in that he has a pretty good ship. Not sure if there is a place to see how difficult each BH is to gear or not?? I have almost 80 zeta mats saved up..maybe I'll use 20 on Bossk. The Galactic bounties are in two days.
For the GB missions, Bossk's zeta lead is indispensable. You will get crazy levels of health and protection regen if you mod correctly. For zBossk, the essential toons are Bossk, Boba, and Dengar. A good 80% of the Regen will come from Boba and Dengar's AoE attacks, so modding those two as fast as possible is essential. The other two spots are pretty much just personal preference or who you have geared best. I use Greedo and 88 right now for the Wampa tier (jango and embo are 4* ).
The ideal team for zBossk lead would probably be bossk/boba/dengar/embo/jango. The last two are much more sturdy than the super squishy 88 and Greedo.
As far as gear requirements, Greedo is a cuff whore, and Dengar is a carb whore. Dengar is most definitely worth it, since he applies tons of useful debuffs, as well as assists others while stealthed ( and those assists can also call other assists, leading to crazy assist chains). If you have zam or Cad geared decent, or can wait until Embo is farmable in a couple weeks, I would skip Greedo honestly. Both Embo and jango are far easier to gear up, and are a lot more reliable due to the much higher health and protection they have. Cad is also good under Bossk because of the debuffs he applies and has a double benefit with his new ship.