Forum Discussion

mukkamatt's avatar
9 years ago

Clone Team - Arena


This is my current arena team, I get some very good synergies resulting in a high number of hits.

Phasma 7* Gear 8 Level 7 abilities
Fives 7* Gear 10 Full Omega
Rex 7* Gear 11 Full Omega
Clone Sgt 6* Gear 8 Partial Omega
Echo 7* Gear 9 Level 7 abilities

I am working on gearing up the Clone Sergeant and Echo, in addition to getting Clone Sergeant to 7 stars (4 shards to go!)

My question is should I look at taking out Phasma and putting in RG or STHan to stop some of the quick deaths to the weaker members of theam?

If so Fives or Rex as the lead... or should I stick with what I have got

This does work very well in raids, especially the Gam Guards, normally pull 500k of damage in one battle on a T6 against them. Just have to get lucky on the escapes to keep doing it!

2 Replies

  • Good looking squad. Clones are my second favorite to ewoks and I've been running with Rex lead and RG as my 5th with some pretty decent success. I'd be open to a different 5th toon but I haven't figured out what that would be yet.
  • "MukkaMatt;48704" wrote:

    This is my current arena team, I get some very good synergies resulting in a high number of hits.

    Phasma 7* Gear 8 Level 7 abilities
    Fives 7* Gear 10 Full Omega
    Rex 7* Gear 11 Full Omega
    Clone Sgt 6* Gear 8 Partial Omega
    Echo 7* Gear 9 Level 7 abilities

    I am working on gearing up the Clone Sergeant and Echo, in addition to getting Clone Sergeant to 7 stars (4 shards to go!)

    My question is should I look at taking out Phasma and putting in RG or STHan to stop some of the quick deaths to the weaker members of theam?

    If so Fives or Rex as the lead... or should I stick with what I have got

    This does work very well in raids, especially the Gam Guards, normally pull 500k of damage in one battle on a T6 against them. Just have to get lucky on the escapes to keep doing it!

    Have you used this team in phase 1 Rancor? If so how was it? If you don't use Phasma lead then just cut Phasma, not useful otherwise and if so then Rex is your leader because when the guards hit you'll benefit a little from it. I've run 5's in Phase 1 myself and I feel like having QGJ in there to drop TM from the Captain is more useful than 5's. Unless you have him max gear 10.5 so he has the extra Potency buff from gear, then maybe it's a different story.

    Yesterday I ran, Phasma, Rex, Echo, QGJ, Rey and with all the bonus attacks from Echo, Echo almost pulled as much damage as Rey; I did about 478K in total and Echo and Rey both went over 100K.

    As for Arena, I don't think that squad would be very good. I would put Rex in at lead and drop Phasma for RG or a max SunFac if you're able to. On defense I feel like Echo is no good and would drop him for a tanky character or possibly even a max GS. Not sure, still playing with my Clone squads in Arena too.