3 years ago
Datacrons not working in TW
Title it's self explanatory, but I used my lvl 9 Datacron with my JMK on offense, whole team was of GR characters, basically same as I use in GAC and arena.
I enter the battle and it's not working, I didn't get a single stun out of their specials, I didn't get any extra ult charge.
I obviously thought "how dumb of me, I forgot to equip it" (I was sure I didn't forget tho, but still), went into another battle to check the datacrons that I have available and the lvl 9 I'm talking it's not there, proving that I indeed use it with my JMK team (no, I didn't accidentally use it with another team, because I didn't use any datacrons until that battle).
Anyone experienced the same?
I enter the battle and it's not working, I didn't get a single stun out of their specials, I didn't get any extra ult charge.
I obviously thought "how dumb of me, I forgot to equip it" (I was sure I didn't forget tho, but still), went into another battle to check the datacrons that I have available and the lvl 9 I'm talking it's not there, proving that I indeed use it with my JMK team (no, I didn't accidentally use it with another team, because I didn't use any datacrons until that battle).
Anyone experienced the same?