Forum Discussion

valdum88's avatar
7 years ago

Debating where to go now.

Currently I'm more of a collector, focusing on legendarys and tw events so I admit I've been leveling and gearing people up that I shouldn't (stinks for GA but that's fine). Right now my focus is on Bounty hunters, CLS, and BB-8, so goals are getting cls crew up in levels and gearing to 8, Hunters up in stars and gear, and FOO ready. What im worried about is that I'm not paying enough attention to my ships (cant seem to 6 any of the Capitals) or to arena. So im looking for advise on my focus, should I keep doing what im doing, or take some time to gear up more useful characters, maybe groups for guild raids? So many options! busy busy busy

Here is my profile:

6 Replies

  • I would go ahead and gear vader, tarkin, and tfp at a minimum. They are useful in many areas and will help your fleet a lot. If you run tf, vader, and ht under tarkin in your starting lineup and some decent reinforcements you'll do better in fleet arena and get more zetas and crystals to use on hearing other characters.

    The gear investment in a great arena squad and fleet arena squad pays off. I get about 1000 crystals a day from both arenas. It really helps fuel my other projects.

    It actually has helped to the point that I'm out of projects until the next legendary drops. So just stockpiling crystals at the moment.
  • Thanks! Ill gear them up and give that a shot! I finally started farming Ht and the other bounty ships figured ive been gearing them up might as well use the ships. As for g arena, im just getting smashed there unless I go against another collector, but it wouldnt hurt to have some teams prepped better at least.
  • "Fletcher;c-1732506" wrote:
    Thanks! Ill gear them up and give that a shot! I finally started farming Ht and the other bounty ships figured ive been gearing them up might as well use the ships. As for g arena, im just getting smashed there unless I go against another collector, but it wouldnt hurt to have some teams prepped better at least.

    For arena, I'd focus on getting revan next time if I were starting from scratch.

    I run ep lead with a 5 star traya but that path is long and requires a lot of maxed teams. I held top 50 before getting traya when revan came out but it was rough.

    If you farm and get revan next time then gear up that team, you should be competitive even if a new meta comes. You will have to periodically gear new characters to stay competitive but it doesn't drain you too much and the crystals more than make up for the gear on one team in the long run.
  • Vaderizer's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    7 years ago
    As to your ship concerns: ships themselves use completely different resources from your characters, which are mostly pretty easy to get with the exception of ship omegas. So you'll level up the ships themselves in no time; what you really need to focus on is the pilot. A 7-star, level 85 ship with a gear 3 pilot will still die in one or two hits, and a 4-star ship with a G12 pilot will be able to dish out some considerable hurt.

    Figure out what you want your fleet to be, then take the time to gear and mod up the requisite characters - they really need to be at least G10 before the ship will be serviceable, and of course more is always better. If the characters won't be used on the ground, you can fill their mod slots with "junk" mods you'd normally throw away; as long as they're 5-dot and level 15, nothing else matters for ship stats. Slicing to 6-dot does help a bit, but not enough to justify doing it for a character that won't see use outside of flying their ship.

    Since your fleet will most likely be a mishmash of various factions, it's nearly impossible to organically end up with a strong fleet just by playing normally. My first fleet setup was Hounds Tooth, Biggs's Xwing, TIE Advance, Slave 1, and First Order TIE - four factions in five ships. So I set those five as my favorites and set to gearing them up. It will slow down your ground game a bit, but you'll be able to build a strong fleet much faster, and the crystal rewards and store currency from fleet arena are well worth it. You can give yourself a bit of a head start on future squads this way too - for example if you don't have a First Order team but you gear up Kylo Unmasked for his ship, when you do finally go to build that squad you'll already have 1 of your 5 characters ready to go.
  • "DarkHelmet1138;c-1732518" wrote:

    For arena, I'd focus on getting revan next time if I were starting from scratch.

    I run ep lead with a 5 star traya but that path is long and requires a lot of maxed teams. I held top 50 before getting traya when revan came out but it was rough.

    If you farm and get revan next time then gear up that team, you should be competitive even if a new meta comes. You will have to periodically gear new characters to stay competitive but it doesn't drain you too much and the crystals more than make up for the gear on one team in the long run.

    Yeah im a bit from Revan, I have Bastila almost to 6 stars, but everyone else is just at 3 stars, I know revan would be a solid choice though, figure if I start now I might be able to get somewhere with him. Ill plan out the best way to get farming and get to it! Thanks for the advice
  • "Jarvind;c-1732535" wrote:
    As to your ship concerns: ships themselves use completely different resources from your characters, which are mostly pretty easy to get with the exception of ship omegas. So you'll level up the ships themselves in no time; what you really need to focus on is the pilot. A 7-star, level 85 ship with a gear 3 pilot will still die in one or two hits, and a 4-star ship with a G12 pilot will be able to dish out some considerable hurt.

    Figure out what you want your fleet to be, then take the time to gear and mod up the requisite characters - they really need to be at least G10 before the ship will be serviceable, and of course more is always better. If the characters won't be used on the ground, you can fill their mod slots with "junk" mods you'd normally throw away; as long as they're 5-dot and level 15, nothing else matters for ship stats. Slicing to 6-dot does help a bit, but not enough to justify doing it for a character that won't see use outside of flying their ship.

    Since your fleet will most likely be a mishmash of various factions, it's nearly impossible to organically end up with a strong fleet just by playing normally. My first fleet setup was Hounds Tooth, Biggs's Xwing, TIE Advance, Slave 1, and First Order TIE - four factions in five ships. So I set those five as my favorites and set to gearing them up. It will slow down your ground game a bit, but you'll be able to build a strong fleet much faster, and the crystal rewards and store currency from fleet arena are well worth it. You can give yourself a bit of a head start on future squads this way too - for example if you don't have a First Order team but you gear up Kylo Unmasked for his ship, when you do finally go to build that squad you'll already have 1 of your 5 characters ready to go.

    Ive got plenty of ships at 7 star, and plenty of semi geared pilots, but usually just around g8 or g9, im just worried that im using the wrong pilots, I focused on the rebels for the Chimera event, but I cant manage to get Home one up to 6 or 7 stars, ive read that Consulars, 5s, and Rexs ships are solid but I havent been working on them until lately, ill put some work into getting my pilots into better gear, see how well that works out for me! Thank you for the help