Forum Discussion

smackskywalkah's avatar
8 years ago

DPS team to beat Rex , SF, Lando, Anakin, Palp team

Anyone have any tips for a team to beat this team?

Without Sun Fac or Rex, and no droids.

  • "Palanthian;721906" wrote:
    That's why I'm running a Rex lead with Shoretrooper, he guarantees Rex gets his chance to shine.

    What is the rest of your team? Today, I took out that full clone team, again, without stunning Rex early on. The tenacity up is really only relevant if you're overly concerned with status effects. Without the stun, my team functions fine. The trick is, on offense, avoiding Lando's AOE (and Wedge's) until you've reduced the number of opponents.
  • There are three of these teams at the top of my Shard. I run droids so I get countered pretty heavily by the Rex(L), SF, Palp, JKA, Lando teams. I've managed to put together a comp that I can (with some good RNG) beat these teams about 2/3 to 3/4 of the time. I run HK (L), IG100, IG 86, B2, JE. Turn order is as follows:

    1) JE recalibrate
    2) HK auto attack only (to not give too much turn meter)
    3) IG 86 Assist attack
    4) IG 100 AOE (will give TM to some, but will remove TM from others, essentially a wash)
    5) B2

    First round of attacks is usually to kill Rex (so that second round of attacks can land debuffs). After that IG 100 and B2 wear the other team down with counters and AOE. Link to my squad:

    Hopefully that helps, droids are much weaker these days, but you can beat Rex with some good RNG on your side.
  • "Hovahdo;721955" wrote:
    First round of attacks is usually to kill Rex (so that second round of attacks can land debuffs). After that IG 100 and B2 wear the other team down with counters and AOE.

    With droids, you've got to take out Rex first. With Stormtrooper Han teams, you need to take out Echo first (since his AOE gets rid of buffs). Plus Echo is squishy.
  • Rex, SF, Lando, Anakin, Palp

    I beat this team lineup daily in Arena with Wiggs, Lando, St Han; I swap in Palps or Ackbar. Either work. Ackbar is preferable, as Rex's tenacity up will nullify your Palps' stun. AA Tactical Genius timed to provide Lando two Double Downs is more useful here.

    The team you're trying to beat has a TM generation deficit compared to Wiggs w/ a fast St Han.

    Your St Han goes first, providing 30% TM to your team. Wiggs one-shots the enemy of your choice; I'd hit Anakin first. If you hit anyone else, Anakin gets 100% TM and will use his AOE.

    Wedge is up next. Don't use his AOE; Rex teams gain TM on critical hits. Use Wedge's basic to hit Lando, wear down his protection.

    AA goes next; Tactical Genius.

    Now your Lando goes. The first double down might provide the Rex team with enough TM for their turn. SF will strip your St Han taunt. Rex will use his attack special; it will wear down one player's protection, but not kill them. His Palp might stun; if you have AA's tenacity cranked, you have a good chance of using Its a Trap to debuff. His Lando's first AOE will wear down your team, and might kill whatever toon Rex wore down.

    Your Lando goes again. Kills their Lando, puts their Rex and Palps on life support.

    At this point the fight should be 4 vs 3 - your next turn, finish off Palps and Rex. Go ahead and use Wedge's AOE. Lando should be able to AOE again as well.

    All the enemy has left is SF; you'll have 4 toons to wipe him out.
  • I like what you have to say here very much.

    There are 2 problems.

    You cannot OHKO Anakin with WIGGS. Between protection and health he has 60k+ combined health. Wiggs takes a little more than half of that.

    Secondly, SF has very high speed in all the teams and taunts quickly and there is no dispeller in the group you mentioned.

    These teams on my shard have every toon at 210+ for speed. I am taking about ranks 1-7. These teams are insanely difficult.

    The WIGGS, QGJ, Leia and Anakin group I use does well but really needs good RNG for Leia to succeed.

  • The problem now is that the group I mentioned doesn't hold rank and does not do well against WIGGS.

    So I am screwed either way.
  • What are your speeds? Leia remains the weak link.

    If you have sufficient speed to compete, you don't need a dispeller -- your Biggs should go first, which will allow you to wear down JKA. Then your Stormtrooper Han should go (his base speed is 15 higher than Sun Fac, so similarly modded, Han will go first). He will allow Wedge to go next, who should wear down JKA more (he may not be dead, but if he isn't, he will be close at this point). Then Lando's AOE should take care of it.

    Having QGJ in lieu of Leia is good, but you need Stormtrooper Han, unless you can mod everyone for 200+ speed.