Forum Discussion

ImperialStation's avatar
7 years ago

Fleet Arena

I waited some time to give my opinion on how the fleet arena is in this new update of the ships, I did not want to commit any injustice by doing an early analysis, and my opinion is that even with the new materials, the ships battle was over... POOR
Decreasing from 5 to 3 ships in battle was a serious and grotesque mistake by EA. They said that we could still put 5 ships into combat, but they omitted that we would have 1 ship less than in total to take us to battle.
Many players using the Tie Reaper now no longer use it because the Tie Reaper is a full-support ship and the fleet arena has turned into an speed arena for attack and defense ships only.
I also noticed a slight decrease in the evasion of the Imperial Tie fighter (unofficially), now Tie Figter is hit more often by ships that did not reach it with ease.
The only good thing I found was deciding which ship to call for reinforcement in battle depending on the scenario that lies the battle, but this is not something that artificial intelligence would be able to do as a player will do it.
In short, now any player can win positions in the fleet arena, there are no more combinations of defensible ships, the fleet arena has turned into a true caster of those who occupy the top positions.

I know that this topic should be much discussed here in the Forum, but I still wanted to hear your opinion ;)