Forum Discussion

xHowrude's avatar
6 years ago

Fleet Squads in GA

What fleet squads are you using for Offense and Defense? Obviously if you use Ackbar or Windu Captial Ship, you're giving the enemy free points. Want to hear some thoughts? I personally can't stand fleets in GA but maybe that's just me.
  • Neither have I, but that's because I don't have anyone running the right team. If you haven't heard the horror stories and woken up screaming in the night, consider yourself lucky.
  • Depends, if they have a team that looks like its beating mace regularly, then thrawn and old meta.

    If not, then mace, HT and others
  • I put my top 20 Thrawn fleet On D and my opponent put his arena fleet on D too. I could not beat his fleet and he one-shot mine. I presume he used Tarkin and a lot of tanks and just got me with his super.

    So I will be saving my arena fleet for O from now on.

    And dont hate on Mace. Hes for real. Once you face him with Anakin you will know the pain. Few are running him right now but that will change. If I had him maxed he would absolutely go on D.
  • "Fahrius;c-1741175" wrote:
    Mace and ht on defense, tarkin and geos on offense

    Other way around if you think they can beat you, might as well use Mace on offense to finish with all that full protection/health and use Geos + tarkin on defense as that's a sure fire way to get them to at least kill someone on defense. You both clear the fleets, you both get points, but you'll hopefully have more efficiency points.

    If it doesn't look like they can take on a full powered mace team, then drop that one on D and save yourself the pain of needing to win based on efficiency.