Im currently lvl 67, with 6-7 heros leveled to aroun 60-65, 4-6 stars. I haven't gotten past the 7th battle in GW since the 1/28 update. I regularly finished it before the update, usually losing 2-3 characters along the way.
Now I can go through my entire collection of heroes (about 35 of them) in every configuration imaginable, on this one level and still barely pass it. All enemies on battle 7 are lvl 63 with 6 and 7 stars. Waaaay OP. After about a week of failures, I'm starting to lose it.
The GW used to be one of my favorite areas, and seemed like the only way to get ahead and really collect a healthy number of shards, but now it's one of my least favorite aspects of the game.
By the way... I'm getting REALLY tired of battling Duku and Sidious in EVERY difficult battle... is their extreme level of OP going to be addressed in a future update?