I'm glad I'm not the only one, and thank you all for sharing. I decided to reduce my ranking in the Squad Arena to see if that would change anything. I'd heard the difficulty of GW is based on your level, your squad power, and your squad arena rank. I went down to rank 2500 or something like that for a couple days and saw ZERO improvement. In fact, it's gotten even harder. So I'm convinced that the GW difficulty is a mixture of your best possible squad power, and what EA server you're on. That was a theory another user pointed out a while back and I think it makes the most sense. Even here one of you mentioned your account is vastly different from your friends' game experience. I think it's because the server you and I are on happen to have more powerful players, thus making it more difficult. While others have less powerful opponents. It's unfortunate for us, because it seems the more I try to get powerful enough to beat it, the more difficult my opponents become. It's not a great system. If it's this challenging, what's my motivation to try? I have to win some times, right? Am I just being a diva?