Forum Discussion

Smithied's avatar
8 years ago

Guild Lock Out Still Exist

Hey all

I have moved twice today to help with Raids and I am now locked out.

I didnt think this existed as there was a weekly reward limit and I wasnt claiming rewards
  • I experimented with my alt yesterday, and yes, two moves in 24 hrs max. Also, your roster does not refresh if you jump out and back in.

    It would he wise for two guilds to exhaust their rosters, then swap out as many as needed both ways to complete each others' raid.

    I heard that Skunk needed to abandon heroic. They could have done this in-guild, as they have divisions like we do, unless they can't do p3 and p4 with 50 heads.

    Whales in guilds that cannot complete AAT heroic would do well to build a network to hop and finish off struggling guilds, to at least get their rewards twice weekly since they're not getting it from their home guild.