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ImTheChampion13's avatar
7 years ago

Hard Nodes 5 suggestions?

Was wondering if anyone had suggestions for beating hard nodes of the ship battles (other than just get better gear). I’ve got a limited number of ships at g12, and can’t get past the first node. I always start out the battle with one ship dead, and can’t crawl my way back up with how fast enemy ships are. I’ve been using:
Variations of tfp, Vader, reaper, slave 1 as starting line
The only other g12 ship I’ve got is fotp, so that’s pretty much useless.
Reinforcements are the same, but with scimitar as well.
I imagine cassians u-wing would be great here as a reinforcement, but I haven’t invested in it at all and the pilots are like g7/8
I’ve tried with both akbar (g8) and thrawn (g12+) as leads, neither was useful. My other capitals are only 6*.

Update, just 2* with slave 1/Biggs/Kylos command ship to bypass the insane amounts of protection.
  • Soooo what are you expecting if you don’t have full g12 ships to put in. My fleet GP is 1,495,750. Got lots of options and I still only 1* 5A. Sorry to say but you are far from beating 5 hard. Then you got 5C,5E and 5F waiting for you. Doesn’t get any easier. Keep trying. RNG might shine down on you and say “you shall pass”. After you sacrifice a goat of course lol.
  • Wait for more ships to come out. It’s been like a day and a half. Don’t expect to be done with everything right away. CG always over tunes the new release to make it something to work towards. The best thing to do is keep doing RNG could POP any time, and come back again day after day.
  • Yeah, I can't get past 5-A hard...I didn't try other capitals or anything, but after a few tries with my closest getting them down to two ships, I decided I'm just going to wait for new ships or until my whole fleet is more rounded out. I figured it's better for me to use the energy now farming things than finishing it for more or less the sake of it. I did manage to 3* the node with the mkviii scanners needed for the multitool, so that's what I'm doing.

    It's kind of fun though, eh? Like the LS 9 Hard of ships. Brings me back to the Good Ol' Days when I had to wait for my roster to get stronger to beat something.
  • I got 3 down. It's RNG but some battles are spectacular. In general I run Thrawn, Vader, Biggs, Boba, Scimitar on bench. I rotate Reaper, Poe, FOTF and Falcon on remaining spots.
    Node A took me 3 attempts, node B 2 attempts (3 starred it...), node C was best battle I've played in this game. My last ship, extremely lucky TF destroyed last enemy after I used third Strategic Dominance.
  • 5-a: ran thrawn Biggs vader boba. The target lock duo really fueled Biggs through this one. Thanks for the insight xezee. Just knowing it was beatable gave me hope to keep trying.
  • kato77's avatar
    New Spectator
    I’m stuck at 5c hard mode, will need a better tank probably but can’t be bothered to gear Biggs (or other ships/pilots that I wasn’t already going to gear) Will just leave it for the time being.
  • Ive got Thrawn g12 capital and used g12 Biggs TFP and strategy was to use Fives special for target lock, get Biggs protection and taunting, I brought in a g12 vader as 1st reinforcement so I was using vader and fives to keep applying target lock and debuffing opponents until I could start killing off ships with thrawn's special. I used all my reinforcements which are Cassian, Boba, and Scimitar. I think by the end I just had scimitar and TFP and managed to get TFP foresight up with retribution. Good luck! All the tier 5 normal and hard have been nailbiters!