7 years ago
Hate to admit it but..
Ive finally found the team that Jedi cant beat. Traya, Sion, DN, Bucket Trooper and Palp. I can beat any other team in my arena including Traya leads but with EP in the back up it is very hard to kill any as usual but the combo of Traya + EP you lose so much prot/health just by taking a turn. Then with the heals and Sith Trooper taunt you eventually get stuck right behind Trooper again and the constant damage lets them score an easy kill normally on GMY ending your run. I was running Shan, GMY, Hoda, Ezra, OB. Against Traya teams OB feels quite useless outside of his TMR so any ideas for a better 5th especially in regards to this EP on 5th. Thought of Jolee who offers fairly often heals kind of negating the constant damage. Also Zarris would be decent. Would love to here what you guys have to say.