Forum Discussion

thirtiethruby84's avatar
7 years ago

Health immunity and protection regeneration

Should protection still be regenerated with health immunity debuff?
  • "VonZant;c-1621724" wrote:
    Can you gain protection or protection up with shock?

    You can regenerate Protection with shock, but you cannot gain the Protection Up Buff (As shock counts as buff immunity). Shock won't stop Nest/Traya unique protection up though.

    Pre-tank raid there really wasn't any protection regeneration so shock was healing immunity + buff immunity + tm gain stop. After they realized the issue arising with protection regen getting teams past enraged in the tank raid they made the healing immunity change to include protection regeneration, added it to enrage and left shock with the old healing immunity so that healing immunity would be a more useful debuff compared to being utterly useless next to shock.
  • "3pourr2;d-178807" wrote:
    Should protection still be regenerated with health immunity debuff?

    No. That was part of a patch that purposely stopped protection regen with heal immunity. That is except for health equalizing effects. They will possibly increase the health to equal levels, but then if there is supposed to be additional healing it will be blocked.
  • This doesn't apply to Nest, just FYI. its not considered regeneration.
  • "3pourr2;d-178807" wrote:
    Should protection still be regenerated with health immunity debuff?

    Correct. You can't heal protection if you're health debuffed. You also can't gain temporary protection (like through Home One's unique if you attack out of turn--I'm sure there are others, but that's the first one that comes to my mind) when health debuffed.

    Nest's unique is intended to work differently, though, so that she can serve as a counter to a very specific strategy (turn manipulation). They wanted her to gain a bunch of protection every time she's hit, but had to think of a loophole to get around heal debuffs, so instead of gaining Temporary Protection, she gains bonus protection temporarily. Which basically means the same thing, but is distinct enough to get around the debuffs--kind of like how you can't sing "Come Sail Away" on tv without Styx getting up on you, but you can sing "Come Ride A Boat" to the same tune and it scans the same, but is legally distinct enough that Styx has to sit and pout :p

    Long story short: Usually, yes, you are correct. But Nest is a special case that intentionally skirts the rule so she can counter a common strategy.

    If you're getting frustrated by her, there are quite a few strategy threads out there on how to beat her, one of them should give you all the information you need. But suffice it to say, use big hits on her, then ignore her while she has her bonus protection. Don't focus fire her, instead hit her once and then move on to someone else so that she gets to take turns and lose her bonus.
  • Can you gain protection or protection up with shock?