9 years ago
Help required with capital ship challenges
I know I am probably only one of a very few number of people who are interested in the topic of ships, judging by the low turn out rate of threads concening ship battles. But after fruitless research on the Internet I hope to find some answers here.
My problem is that I am currently banging my head against a brick wall that is the 5 star capital ship challenge for Mace Windows Endurance.
It says recommend for lv75+ and all my ships are lv73 - 75 but I am nevertheless getting curbstomped by Tarkin. My best ever attempt was three almost dead TIEs left.
My pilot line up:
Capital ship
Mace Windu (ofc) 6* G8 lv 74
Start team
Ashoka 7* G8 Lv 74
Rex 5* G8 Lv 80
JC 4* G8, Lv 73
Plo Koon 5* G8 Lv 73
Fives 5* G8 Lv 73
Biggs 7* G8 Lv 73
Wedge 6* G8 Lv 73
All ships are 4*
Am I on the right track with the line up or should I choose different ships?
I have all ships available except the TIE Advanced (1 shard missing! *cries*) the shuttle and the Falcon. Even got the Reaper.
When the game says ship Lv 75+ does it asume one has 7* fully geared and modded pilots for those ships or what is the baseline of pilot strength the game expects?
Thus are my pilots maybe just to weak and I need to offset their weakness by a higher ship level? Say Lv 80 or even 85?
Any insight on this matter for this and the other capital ship challenges is greatly welcome!
Thank you!
I know I am probably only one of a very few number of people who are interested in the topic of ships, judging by the low turn out rate of threads concening ship battles. But after fruitless research on the Internet I hope to find some answers here.
My problem is that I am currently banging my head against a brick wall that is the 5 star capital ship challenge for Mace Windows Endurance.
It says recommend for lv75+ and all my ships are lv73 - 75 but I am nevertheless getting curbstomped by Tarkin. My best ever attempt was three almost dead TIEs left.
My pilot line up:
Capital ship
Mace Windu (ofc) 6* G8 lv 74
Start team
Ashoka 7* G8 Lv 74
Rex 5* G8 Lv 80
JC 4* G8, Lv 73
Plo Koon 5* G8 Lv 73
Fives 5* G8 Lv 73
Biggs 7* G8 Lv 73
Wedge 6* G8 Lv 73
All ships are 4*
Am I on the right track with the line up or should I choose different ships?
I have all ships available except the TIE Advanced (1 shard missing! *cries*) the shuttle and the Falcon. Even got the Reaper.
When the game says ship Lv 75+ does it asume one has 7* fully geared and modded pilots for those ships or what is the baseline of pilot strength the game expects?
Thus are my pilots maybe just to weak and I need to offset their weakness by a higher ship level? Say Lv 80 or even 85?
Any insight on this matter for this and the other capital ship challenges is greatly welcome!
Thank you!