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Sarcodino's avatar
8 years ago

Help with arena team (sith or empire)

Hi guys, i need some help with my arena team...
Its currently Zaul (L), Zader, EP, DN and TFP
I can put +70-75 speed into each toon and +95 to a single one (currently TFP) and i have 25 Zmats banked

Zaul is G10, rest of the team G11 (DN is almost 6*)

As sith i also have Savage/sidious G10 (can get any of them to G11) and currently working on SA (4* g8) but still dont have droidcaller/guns to gear her more... Dooku is 5*/g8 and trooper 4* lvl 1 (i know hes so good but started developing SA instead)

As empire i have RG g9 (70k hp+prot), tarkin storm/magma/snow troopers 7* g7, shore almost 4* G8 (mising droidcallers/guns same as SA) and kernik/death/gar/super/veers 4-5* lvl 1

I also have a 6* trawn G6 (dont have gear to bring him up to 9-10 anytime soon, shame as SA/shore) and a G11 boba.

Im stuck in top 100 in a very old shard (sometimes even +100) and both maul/rex are so hard to kill for my team, by the moment i can reclimb chasing vader/FO/resistance squads.

I feel each day i fall more and more away from 100 overnight and dont know what to do with my squad xD

I think ppl chase me cuz TFP, but at the same time hes usually my key toon to outspeed and AB someone and be able to kill those vader/FO/Res teams to climb... I was planing to swich him/her with either savage or SA... But i haven't seen a kitten droidcaller/gun for long time to gear up SA (who would let me also outspeed those teams same way as TFP) and 20Z is so precious to waste it in Zavage if it wont work...

Also i have Vader Zed and thought on swich completelly my team and run Zader(L), DN, SA and another 2 toons from boba/sidious/savage/TFP/RG while i develop trawn/shore/sithtrooper/deathtrooper/tarking or watever fit better in that team... But i dont know if my mods are good enough to outspeed ppl with SA (+95) (as well as i still dont hav SA geared cuz miss 1droidcaller and 1stungun to bring her to G10 xD)

Anyone can help me? XD
  • I'd shift empire vs. Sith - either a Tarkin lead or a Thrawn lead. The cooldown +2 strategy is very potent when you consider DN + Deathtrooper on the same team. Tarkin can give you +28 speed, so if you can give +95 to Thrawn than he would be 245 speed + 28 = 273 which should give him first movement. You can than use his swap TM move to trade with anyone you want. I use the swap for DT to take cooldowns. Thrawn leads crush DV / Maul squads - so you can swap back and forth between Tarkin / Thrawn leads if you need to. At this moment Empire-heavy teams +DN gets you more versatility than pure Sith.
  • I'm using this Empire/Sith team at the moment and doing well on Dec 2015 Shard. - Zader (L), DN, SA, GK and zBoba.

    Working on getting Thrawn geared to replace zBoba. Note: a word of warning, Thrawn lead teams are difficult to beat. You need good speed+ secondaries to overcome them - or have your own Thrawn.

    Also thinking about a Thrawn, DT, ShoreTrooper, DN and GK team build. They're also hard to beat.
  • Thank u guys for the tips! Here is my history until now after asking us! XD

    Far away from gearing trawn/tarking/deathT/ShT i finally decided to still go Zaul and got Savage to G11 and zetaed him, then i swapped arround all my mods to keep the order of attack just as i want making Zaul to go first (was hard... kitten slow maul xD) then vader, then nihilus, then EP thev Zavage

    With zaul leader they all get +25% speed first turn and they hold it second turn as well thanks to vader slow/nihilus anti-clean... It makes my maul go at 255 speed (not that high but still enough for every rex team i face)
    Maul 204 speed: daze to stop rex teams (usually so slow)
    Vader 197 speed: dots/slow (to hurt those QGJ teams who avoided daze with foresight)
    Nihilus 196: CD increase with either zaul/vader debuffs
    EP 195: shock = tank to prevent taunts/retaunts, it gives EP some TM, that added to vader slow allow EP to aoe stun before them in the second round (not ever, but a lot of times), giving me another soft damage turn after nihilus CD increase
    Zavage 193: i feel zavage does almost nothing for me (at least in offense) but seems like it let me hold rank better cuz he used to clean the kitten correct toon everytime in defense xD

    It was hard to set their speed (pencil+papper all mods xD) as well as make maul that fast with my kitten mods xD

    Now i went from a hard top 100 at payout (somtimes i have fallen 250 overnight and cant even get top 100) to a top 50 :D
    It coul be cuz people still dont know me in this top and dont target me cuz they are to lazy to check my mods... But by the moment i start the day at 60-80 and went event to 30 or so xD

    My current issues are that rex resist daze some times (and he get full TM after those 5 crits xD) but even being resisted i usually can manage to kill any tipe of cleanse teams, cuz vader can still AB GK, nihi help me bypass their tanks to kill this squisy rex and then his nihi (here is where Zavage helps finishing them, cuz he hits hard and instakill 50%hp guys xD)
    I would love to improve a bit more zauls potency... But my best cross (17 speed) is attack and i had to put on zaul every of my best speed secondaries in each spot xD have to keep farming... But not a great issue xD

    I almost cant kill rex teams before (if i AB him with TFP either chirrut/GK/barris cleanse) and now im chasing all of them with those OP toons like GK, chaze, trawn... I kill them with 90% succes or so (they only kill me with a so bad rng on my side xD)
    Wiggs/chaze teams are also a joke...
    Resistance teams arent a problem too, only poe outspeed me by the moment and after him i just daze them all with zaul, increase with nihi and dont let them even take a chance (even having R2 al of them)...
    Tarkin leader arent a problem too... Only TFP is usually outspeeding me (it sometimes mess a bit my attack order cuz random dodges, but still xD) either trawn in attack (cuz i daze them before landing any other dot).

    After geting this team ready i managed to get SA to G10(ready to 11 today) and i plain to use him in offense instead of zavage seting his speed to 194 to give all my team half a turn after all my stuff (before enemy could even attack me usually...) cuz if y use EP attack buff +foresight+advantage+stealth it mean 48%TM to my whole team almost at 0 TM xD
    I also got trawn to G10 (gun and droidcaller away from 11) to try diferent teams with a speedy SA (can put him at 255 too with maul mods) with vader/nihi for example...

    After finishing trawn/SA i think i have to go for a tank to let me try diferent teams out of zaul (without a reliable tank like shore/SiT im afraid of get rid of Zaul stealth protection...) and looking at my siths i think SiT will be a ttter choice than ShT (SA will be ready before SiT now and i only miss dooku to have the whole sith list at g11)... I can also farm SiT while ShT is at 28/30...
    Then once SiT is done ShT and DT then would be my bet...

    Any thougts about the slow SA adition to my team on offense (just +43 speed)? Any advice about my plan to farm SiT instead of Shore?

    Thas in advance for the help!