Forum Discussion

Dragulia90's avatar
8 years ago

How would Biggs and Wedge actors feel about being more powerful than Lunke Skywalker?

What say you?
  • Luke with the gun got wrecked by a Tusken Raider, so Tattoine Luke is pretty OP the way he is.
  • "RealHanSolo;778683" wrote:
    Luke with the gun got wrecked by a Tusken Raider, so Tattoine Luke is pretty OP the way he is.

    Plus the tuskin broke his gun.
  • "ItsJarJarBinkz;778685" wrote:
    "RealHanSolo;778683" wrote:
    Luke with the gun got wrecked by a Tusken Raider, so Tattoine Luke is pretty OP the way he is.

    Plus the tuskin broke his gun.

  • "Sacull_Kinslayer;778761" wrote:
    Lunke was Luke's cousin... Died by tripping over a rock. In August.

  • "RealHanSolo;778683" wrote:
    Luke with the gun got wrecked by a Tusken Raider, so Tattoine Luke is pretty OP the way he is.

    Hahahahahaha, so true!
    He did take out the Death Star tho, well kind of
  • "Dragulia90;778816" wrote:
    "RealHanSolo;778683" wrote:
    Luke with the gun got wrecked by a Tusken Raider, so Tattoine Luke is pretty OP the way he is.

    Hahahahahaha, so true!
    He did take out the Death Star tho, well kind of

    No the point is the in game Luke is from before all that. He's just a farmer who hasn't been awakened to the force. One day we'll get an ep 6 Luke and then shit gets real.
  • "Panimu;779033" wrote:
    "Dragulia90;778816" wrote:
    "RealHanSolo;778683" wrote:
    Luke with the gun got wrecked by a Tusken Raider, so Tattoine Luke is pretty OP the way he is.

    Hahahahahaha, so true!
    He did take out the Death Star tho, well kind of

    No the point is the in game Luke is from before all that. He's just a farmer who hasn't been awakened to the force. One day we'll get an ep 6 Luke and then **** gets real.

    I would just be happy with an apprentice Luke!
  • I say give him his own x-wing for ships and some hellacious crew power and this Luke is good as is.