Forum Discussion

AzureTyger's avatar
9 years ago

I can farm either Defense or Health mods

From what I am understanding Health is superior in basically all circumstances because 5% extra health is better than a marginal amount of extra Armor and Resistance. Even though Defense works with both Health and Protection it won't match the extra survivability that health gives.

I just want to make sure before I start spending crystals on Cantina Energy that I get the most bang for my buck.
  • Defence is literally worthless as a percent value, I can link you the thread of you want to know exactly why but basically 1 set of 5% hp will make you live longer than a full set of 15% defence
  • From someone else math, they are fairly close together to not matter. Pick your poison and stick with it.
  • Taken from an extensive thread on this topic, basic point is defence set bonuses are useless while flat +X defence secondary stats have minor value, a full +15% 3 set yields 3% damage reduction on 5555 the character with highest defence in game for the % to work with. A +18 defence secondary stat gives as much armor and resist (the only stats defence affects) as a full 3 set + 15%
    "Durrun;571729" wrote:
    Here is my own research

    Ignore the hp mods up top and note no mods slotted have any flat or additional defence % value

    2 def mods slotted, 2.5% increase in defence value... Not even a full 1% increase to armor

    Now those 2 def mods are replaced by 2 max lvl defence mods for an additional 2.5% increase from the last set

    Less than a percent armor bonus from 2.5% set bonus to 5% set bonus

    Now the mod with the defence % primary stat.

    Mod removed 27.8% armor

    Mod stats

    With secondary stats 13.5% defence added

    3% armor added from that mod so we can figure that's pretty close to a full max set of defence mods item sets assuming base stats are similar since when I added the mod for defence it added 13.5 and a full mod set would add 15%

    So unless I am very wrong about this on this character (5555) a full mod set would add less than 3% armor

    Now here's a flat value defence mod

    Mod has 18 defence on it... Let's check the armor increase

    That's almost 3% which was the increase we got from a full set of defence mods

    i won't try to explain the math in depth it's not my thing I'm just showing the in game examples.. If I am wrong please correct me but I think it's all sound logic... Defence dosent seem to be the way to go

    As an additional fact here's the same GW battle run with 5s and RG the intent being testing defence up stat
    (note RG is leader so no extra defence from 5s lead ability)

    Lumi force blade no defence up, armor value is at about 31% 3000 damage

    Now defence up


    Same lumi same 5s same attack even just with defence up and we only blocked 500 more damage

    Go hp mods
  • Thank you for doing that research. 500 damage seems like a pretty significant amount to block, but I think Defense Up is 50% more armor. So Defense mods don't even come close to that.
  • Defense is probably ideal for toons that get a lot of lifesteal. And for the toons on a healer squad which aren't too squishy.

    U will get the same amount of lifesteal, but that amount is better than before.

    It is like starting with a smaller health pool but having a faster recharge rate.