Forum Discussion

Cleric_Jericho's avatar
8 years ago

Is this finally the ultimate unbeatable team?

@Macew1ndow If this is your handywork bro, stand up and be recognised. I honestly can't see a way past this. I know when I'm beat and after throwing a few suicide squads your way, I opted to spare my droids the indignity (even B2 looked terrified and he's the only one who could have saved the day).

I tip my hat. (",)
  • (If she lived long enough to do it) an asajj in theory could remove all their buffs without having to worry about the foresight
  • That has been the top team for 2-3 weeks in my shard with above 200 speed on all toons. Finally seen 2 Palpatine, 1 Boba and 1 Vader lead get past him. They use 3-4 AOE toons. But I haven't gotten that high lately yet to see it for myself.
  • Hmm... I'm thinking my droids might have stood a decent chance then. Maybe I'll encounter a similar team in the next tourney.
  • "Macew1ndow;815983" wrote:
    Good to hear that my team is performing well :-)

    Absolute murder, mate. It's really good to see the Return of the Jedi after the Empire Struck Back. (",)
  • Unbeatable with that team for sure...

    you could have at least put up a fight to realize its true value... with mob enforcer nute etc... undergeared... only a rng miracle would help them.
  • "StormTro0p3R_H;816687" wrote:
    "Zombie961;813911" wrote:
    (If she lived long enough to do it) an asajj in theory could remove all their buffs without having to worry about the foresight

    This doesn't work. Foresight dodges both her Buff removal and B2's. You'd need to waste an AoE and then since they'd all dodge there would be an upward of 93% chance B2 would fill his meter and remove the Yoda buffs if present and apply Buff Immunity.

    Best to use a fast Yoda or Wedge AoE to clear foresight and B2 as described above to AoE buff immunity.

    Even then... Kenobi will cleanse and if yoda gets the second zeta its all back at square one.
    This team isn't going to be easy.. also attackers will be too reliant on b2...
    Dunno... its looks like a awesome team on paper at least.
  • Sorry guys, I wasn't clear. I had no intention of beating them with that team. I'd burnt through nearly 500K ally points and those were the only team I could field for free. I just wanted to go back and show how horrendous that squad is. I took another vid with another weak team but they didn't last long enough to really show how horrible they are.