After watching a lot of videos and giving her kit a lot of thought, I think my biggest issue is that her leader ability is plain awful. Its like Enfys Nest where you get the first move and after that the leader ability is non-existent. Which is terrible as far as leader abilities goes, since they have to be something that lingers on for the entirety of the match. The leader ability can be broken into three components
1. 15% TM at the start of the battle - After all your Jedi move this component is essentially useless. What's worse is that Darth Maul gives more TM boost (20%) and it procs over and over (for each dodge with other benefits) and its feels very lackluster.
2. Pretaunt Jedi Tanks.... again after the tanks take a turn this leader ability is nonexistent. Its a one turn ability. And with the increased TM you get, your pre-taunting tank is most likely going to go before the enemy and will lose that pretaunt
3. Undispellable Protection up - Neat but, again, after a couple of hits its just gone. Its not even a leader ability but a buff and not a game changing one. While every other leader just flips the table during the course of the battle. Bastilla gives you a small headstart and not a huge one.
The leader ability feels like a huge unique ability to me. Its a one and done ability that doesn't linger for the rest of the battle other than the abysmal protection up and what's worse is that its extremely limited to Jedi allies.
My other disappointment is that her legendary battle meditation could turn the tide of war, so I expected something powerful like bb8's illuminated destiny can turn the battle around. This is pretty meh.