I have a theorycraft team under a Bastila lead :
Bastila (L) - Ezra - Yoda - Hoda - OldBen
All of the jedi are going first due to Bastila lead, she calls Yoda to assist granting him with a ton of buff with Rally.
Yoda gives all these buffs to the team with Battle meditation.
Hoda calls Yoda to assist with Master's training.
Ezra calls Yoda to assist ans double tap.
Yoda should has another turn due to his speed and TM gain at every hit of his basic. You use Unstoppable force for maximum damages.
Old Ben uses Mind tricks with potency up from the buffs he gains so your whole team has another free turn, full of buffs.
I think it's the way Bastila is supposed to work, giving us an extra first turn against meta teams which go hard on the first turn :
Palp meta with Vader's force crush + Palp stun and Sion debuff
JTR with BB8 really fast turn and the stealth from R2
NS with the plague from MT
So she could be really good under a good TM manipulation team coupling with ton of buffs. So 7% of potency should not be an issue.