To those saying he has no place in raids... that 100% defense penetration shared squad wide (especially if you don’t have JTR and can afford to pair it with BB8’s Illuminated Destiny) is going to be crushingly good with droids against Sion in the Sith Triumverate Raid (just think of how much damage 88 will do!). For newer players it will probably also perform extremely well against the AAT turrets as well, allowing much faster topples (you get the defense pen against a toppled opponent anyways, so it is kind of moot there), again, pair it with the first turn TM boost from BB8 and there should be no problems toppling the tank before it ever gets a shot off.
Not every new character can be aimed at us old timers. This will be yet another character that helps make heroic STR more accessible to the ‘Everyman’ guild down the road, once the exclusitivity of Traya has worn off.
Very solidly designed character in my opinion, I like him (and I had high standards for him to live up too, T3 was a staple of my KOTOR squads when it came to having amazing fire support).