"llldmelll;c-1837210" wrote:
I love all these reworks. Good job. Simple nice kits that look attractive enough.
My only problem is with the ZETAS
i mean you have 6 challenges in a week
those 6 challenges are like 2 MAXIMUM 3 zeta mats / week. realistically speaking.
you take 1st in ships every day
that's another 6 zetas
you need 2 weeks to get 1 zeta
that's 2 zetas / month
+ 4 tws = another 12 mats ( i'm dreaming i know )
so you get an average of 2.5 zetas per month if you're UTTERLY AWESOME in both TWs and ships arena
an average player gets more like 1.5 zetas / month
every character needs a zeta to even flush the toilet nowdays... plus... you can't buy em with $$$
Legit questions:
1. how many characters that need a zeta are ingame in this very moment and how many zetas are needed in total?
2. how many characters are even worth gearing if you can't put a zeta on them?
3. did you ever consider the zeta shortage as real problem for the day 1 player base? ( because it is )
I just put the 2nd zeta on darth malak and i've a total 66 zetas and i'm ALWAYS short on zetas. ALWAYS
is there really a megawhale with malak complaining that he can't buy zetas??