Forum Discussion

CG_SBCrumb's avatar
New Spectator
6 years ago

Kit Rework: IG-100 MagnaGuard

UNIT NAME: IG-100 MagnaGuard
CATEGORIES: Dark Side, Tank, Droid, Separatist
Disruptive Droid Tank that Taunts and takes an extra turn before it is defeated

New text in green

Basic: Electrostaff Assault

FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage to target enemy with a 70% chance to inflict Target Lock for 2 turns. If target was already Target Locked, MagnaGuard dispels all debuffs on itself and another random Separatist ally.

Special 1: Disruption (Cooldown 3)

FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage to all enemies and dispel all debuffs on all Separatist allies. MagnaGuard and General Grievous gain Speed Up for 2 turns.

Special 2: Stunning Strike (Cooldown 3) NEW

FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) Deal Physical damage to target enemy and dispel all buffs on them. Then, Stun them for 1 turn. If no buffs were dispelled, reset the cooldown of this ability

Unique 1: Relentless Assault

FINAL TEXT: MagnaGuard has 70% counter chance and gains Taunt for 1 turn when it uses an ability during its turn. General Grievous and MagnaGuard gain 20% Tenacity and 20% Defense for each Target Locked enemy. The first time MagnaGuard reaches 1% Health, it takes 1 bonus turn and then is defeated. During this bonus turn, MagnaGuard has +100% Offense.
  • "Droideka;c-1780954" wrote:
    Because of his unique, Grievous’s unique that hurts his allies can still kill him, because Magnaguard dies when he goes to 1 health.

    It's 1% health not 1 health, so if his max health is 1 he will be at 100% of his 1 health.
  • "Docshady77;c-1780999" wrote:
    So are we getting a new grevious or are the ones we have just getting reworked? I had a long grind getting him to where he is....

    Dear god... this comment actually left me speechless. I’ll try to explain without swearing.

    The fact that it says rework implies that it is reworking an existing character. Why, why, why would you think that they would add another Grievous to the game?????????
  • "Killbot5000;c-1781341" wrote:
    "VonZant;c-1781105" wrote:
    This dude is going to work on a lot of teams. I like. Good solid tank with simple kit.

    Needs a Cape though. ;)

    Yes! This auto taunt is always, like k2.... but the rest of the kit doesn't suck!

    No cause K2 could gain taunt anytime, but Magna can o ly during his turn
  • Does he have any health steal? If he gets a bonus turn, he may gain some health back and not die?
  • "Rizn;c-1781476" wrote:
    Does he have any health steal? If he gets a bonus turn, he may gain some health back and not die?

    He does, but it doesn’t matter. When he gets reduced to 1%, he is already dead. The unique says that he is defeated upon the end of his bonus turn, which means that even if he gets healed back to full health, he will still die at the end of his turn.
  • After playing the event, I feel like there is little reason to run magnaguard.

    The synergy with GG & other separatists seems nice, but I felt like I had more mileage with IG88... Or even HK47 (as lead) while playing around.