Forum Discussion

Qeltarr's avatar
9 years ago

Looking for opinions for farming Arena.. especially ST Han

- Cautious player who doesn't want to waste resources and has been stockpiling for a while. Hasn't even been leveling his arena team.
- Stockpile of 45k Arena tokens.
- Sid is mxed, Asajj 6*, HK-47 6*, IG-88 6* already.
- Savage Oppress 145 tokens bought, not yet activated (conserving credits, unsure if I want to use him)
- I am likely going to slide down the arena ranks for a while as I want to wait before deciding what new arena team to go for. So I will keep getting about 800 tokens a day but not 850-1000 like I used to.
ST Han has always intrigued me, but I never got him before because he was so easy for me to kill that he never impressed me much. And also because I already have two solid taunters. But he looks like he could fit in a lot of squad concepts.
So given the above, would you:
1. Start farming ST Han shards.
2. Continue with Savage to get him to 6* or 7* (he's another guy I am interested but not sure about).
3. Wait.
4. Something else: ____

Thanks. :)