8 years ago
Looking for Palps/Vader/DS Arena advice
I need help guys! I want to return to a DS team and I have been having mixed results - I am mainly struggling against JTR teams - I just don't seem to be able to beat them consistently - I don't know if it is my team composition or what, I have the following arena-ready characters available:
- zzVader: G12
- zPalps: G12 (Zeta on leader)
- zzThrawn: G12
- Shore: G12
- Tarkin: G12
- Death Trooper: G12
- Nihlus: G12
- TFP: G12
- KRU: G12
- Starck: 7* Nearly G12
I have pretty strong mods and I can have mods to make a character at +133, +121 & +114. I also have 1x Zeta ready to use.
I have tried the following teams with varying degrees of success:
- Palps(L), Vader, Thrawn, Shore & Nihlus
- Palps(L), Vader, Thrawn, Shore & Starck
- Palps(L), Vader, Thrawn, Shore & KRU
- Palps (L), Vader, Thrawn, Shore & Tarkin
All 4 of these sempt to hold OK but my offence was so hit and miss - I am winning maybe 50% max against JTR teams. So at the moment, I have switched back to my Ackbar, CLS, Han, Thrawn, R2 combo and I win 99% of the battles AND barely drop out of top 25 - I really want to use a DS team because i enjoy them more, but unless I find a better team combo I have no incentive to switch from Ackbar.
So I have some questions:
1.From the CHARACTERS THAT I HAVE what is the best team combo?
2. Who should I place a Zeta on next
3. How should I mod said new team i.e. who should have the +133, +121 & +114 speeds?
4. How should I use this team against JTR teams
I do NOT have GK - I am at 95/145 to unlock so maybe a month away yet. I do NOT have Krenic either only at 3* low gear. I do NOT have Wampa either - I am working on Hermit Yoda still.
Any advice is appreciated!
I have pretty strong mods and I can have mods to make a character at +133, +121 & +114. I also have 1x Zeta ready to use.
I have tried the following teams with varying degrees of success:
All 4 of these sempt to hold OK but my offence was so hit and miss - I am winning maybe 50% max against JTR teams. So at the moment, I have switched back to my Ackbar, CLS, Han, Thrawn, R2 combo and I win 99% of the battles AND barely drop out of top 25 - I really want to use a DS team because i enjoy them more, but unless I find a better team combo I have no incentive to switch from Ackbar.
So I have some questions:
1.From the CHARACTERS THAT I HAVE what is the best team combo?
2. Who should I place a Zeta on next
3. How should I mod said new team i.e. who should have the +133, +121 & +114 speeds?
4. How should I use this team against JTR teams
I do NOT have GK - I am at 95/145 to unlock so maybe a month away yet. I do NOT have Krenic either only at 3* low gear. I do NOT have Wampa either - I am working on Hermit Yoda still.
Any advice is appreciated!