Dear CG @CG_SBCrumb_MINI, @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI , are you able to provide your post about the latest galactic legend Lord Vader? Community would like to know if you plan on fixing it in any way. Such an expensive investment as LV in no way pays off for the player. I won't go into detail about how tragic his kit are and how tragetic his damage is. But what needs to be made clear is what you did with his animations. You've now added 5 new characters that show any idea of animation and your commitment, which can't be said about LV where you gave him one of the worst Basic in the game, nothing special that stands out and another special that is a copy of the combination of Darth Vader and Sion animation. No one pretends anymore that this is one of the worst characters in the game ( Counting GL status, and character quality). So I ask you as Doja once posted about this and now zero response, do you have any plans to improve the hopeless state of Lord Vader?