"Scinful;134599" wrote:
I'm not sure I completely like your change. I do think we definitely need some anti-sith love though!
Yeah I think we def need more of the anti Sith. Only him or Jedi Luke Skywalker should have some Anti Sith to them.
"Sagefire;134668" wrote:
I would change his skills in that way :)
Invincible Assault:
With the 50% dmg buff on his first skill he only hits with 2.6-3k, barely crits with 4k
I think this skill needs an overall 50% dmg buff and then 50% again if he has more than 50% life.
So he would hit with 3.6-4k non crit.
This 60% lifesteal is completely useless. None is focusing Mace, why should they, he makes no dmg. So why does he need this? Once he dropped below 50% health his dmg buff is gone and he hits with 2k...his heal is about 1-1.2k, it makes no difference if you ask me.
I would remove the heal and replace it with even more dmg, or a buff for his speed.
The dmg is ok, however they should give him a buff if he removes something with this. Like QGJ. not an offensive buff, but maybe a defensive buff for the hole team.
Imaging if you can remove something with QGJ and then buff your whole team with Mace.... Would be great.
Vaapad - quite nice, but why should I use this if I have leaderskills like QGJ/Sid/Yoda and so on. There are so many better options.
I would change this to:
Jedi allies gain 40% chance to expose in their turns and they gain 25% crit chance if they attack an exposed character.
This would increase his own chance to expose someone, because the chance of his Shatterpoint skill is way too low.
As said the chance to expose someone is so low. Even with this leaderskill it would be 85%..he needs 100%. Increase this to 60% or even more in case of not using his leaderskill.
At the moment you can be happy if he exposes 1 enemy per fight. The turn meter gain is quite nice, but this is Mace Windu, I don't understand why he's just a low speed character and even needs this. But ok....I would increase this to 50%. Even with the 100% expose chance there would be a chance to not expose because your opponent resists it, or he lands his expose behind a taunt.
what do you think :)?
I like the 100% expose actually. The only reason I left everything else the way it is is someone will say it's overpowered. I like your leadership ability as well, because it gives reason to use Mace as an actual leader.
I think ignoring Healing Immunity for 2 turns would be huge as well. Anakin and Sid have a tougher time taking his health away that is his ability.